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out of darkness造句

  • We're just getting started climbing our way out of darkness.
  • The city council's motto is " Out of darkness cometh light ".
  • She added : " Education brings you out of darkness, out of ignorance.
  • Green said _ became " Out of Darkness : The Mine Workers'Story"
  • We are just three to four years out of darkness but we are catching up quick.
  • But my love for the written word, unlike theirs, seemed to spring up out of darkness.
  • Huebsch also published her next book, " Dreams Out of Darkness ", in 1921.
  • The 2015 historical novel " Out of Darkness " by Ashley Hope P閞ez depicts the explosion incident.
  • And he continues to push the limits of black-and-white photography by teasing black forms out of darkness.
  • I say this because Galen's aim was to seek and find the truth and bring light out of darkness.
  • It's difficult to see out of darkness in a sentence. 用out of darkness造句挺难的
  • Our pets believe we control the universe _ we make light out of darkness and heat our rooms against the winter chill.
  • Her solarized images of street scenes, especially at night, are magical coaxings of many shades of gray out of darkness.
  • In 1993, Ross returned to acting with a dramatic role in the television film, " Out of Darkness ."
  • In 2006, La Joya HS failed to advance to the Area G Finals contest with their show " Out of Darkness ".
  • Out of darkness, Eliot offers a solution : " I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope ."
  • She relied instead on a variety of lighting effects to reinforce mood; actors seemed to come out of darkness and return to darkness.
  • His work " A Light Shining Out Of Darkness " did not help, being seen as an attack on the clergy.
  • He is fiercely loyal to Takaya for " showing him out of darkness " and helping him through the Kirijo Group's experiments.
  • She is the primary motivation for several characters in the novel to lift themselves out of darkness, regardless of whether or not they succeed.
  • "Side Show, " gorgeously designed by Robin Wagner, moves out of darkness into light and back again with often breathtaking effect.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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